Pride Series 2023

Gender in the 21st Century

Designed especially for chaplains, religious professionals, and community care providers (but all who seek to provide gender-affirming care are welcome), this FREE 5 session series (Thursday evenings in June 2023) introduces key concepts in gender-affirming spiritual care.

Welcome Video

A few words about the OtherWise Academy

Building Your Foundation

with the Transfaith for Allies Certificate

Our four-part Transfaith for Allies certificate includes free, online, self-paced courses with audio, video, and transcript support, designed to help you begin to engage (or re-engage) with questions about gender diversity.
Ready to improve your Gender IQ? need a safer space to discover, discuss, and develop your own point of view on gender in the 21st century?

Transgender-Affirming Spiritual Care

A Bibliographic Essay

Check out the open-access, peer-reviewed article--or dive into our free starter course for spiritual care providers. And watch for the OtherWIse Spiritual Care certificate coming soon!

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As a paid member of the OtherWise Academy, you get community support, additional resources and learning opportunities--and your contributions help to extend these conversations...
  • Learning Community

    Join us for office hours, pronoun practice, and online discussion each week

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    Access the OtherWise Spiritual Care curriculum, designed to support care providers

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    $15.00 / monthMember

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Choose Life

Meditations on Suicide Prevention

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in the United States. This new, free course, starts on the day you enroll and runs for 7 days highlighting transgender authors talking about suicide and survival. It also links to crisis intervention and training resources so you can continue exploring and educating yourself.