Being Brave Together

A Transfaith Primer

This course is a pre-requisite for most other OtherWise Academy course work. It sets expectations for how participants should treat one another in a learning community that is diverse in so many ways.
Transfaith (We Are Better Together): Being Brave Together (with Transfaith logo, OtherWise Academy logo, and 3 red icon people clustered together above)

Pre-Requisite: none

Certificate Program: Transfaith for Allies 

Designed for: English-speaking adults, regardless of religious affiliation or professional aspirations.

Hours of Video: 9 minutes, with transcripts provided

OtherWise Voices: Chris Paige, Transfaith

Status: Draft course is ready for review! Feedback is especially encouraged during this developmental stage.

Our Being Brave Together: A Transfaith Primer course introduces the basics of the Being Brave Together framework, which serve as the foundational group agreements and expectations in all other OtherWise Academy programming.

The Being Brave Together framework was developed by Transfaith and is presented here with permission. It is designed to support productive conversations within diverse transgender (or OtherWise) communities.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Instructions

    • Welcome to the OtherWise Academy!

    • Thinkific Orientation (optional)

  • 2

    Being Brave Together

    • Introducing Being Brave Together

    • Why Dialogue Expectations?

    • Three Invitations

    • Learning Community

    • Feedback and Accountability

    • Sensitive Topics

    • Privacy and Confidentiality

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • You did it!

    • Before you go...

    • You May Also Enjoy...

More Options for Getting Started

These three courses make up our introductory Transfaith for Allies Certificate

  • Free

    FreeOtherWise 101: Getting Started

    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeOtherWise 103: Definitions, Terms, and Etiquette

    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeTransfaith for Allies: An Introduction

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