Transfaith for Allies

An Introduction

The Transfaith for Allies series is designed to be useful to people who want to deepen our commitment to caring for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and OtherWise communities. But, instead of focusing on definitions, we focus on relationships.
Transfaith (subtitle We Are Better Together) for Allies: An Introduction (logo for the OtherWise Spiritual Care Academy)


Pre-Requisite: Being Brave Together: A Transfaith Primer (free).

  • Being Brave Together is strongly recommended as a way to understand our dialogue expectations. However, you can begin the Transfaith for Allies certificate series without that 15 minute experience, if you are too eager to wait.

Certificate Program: Transfaith for Allies (free) 

  • The OtherWise 101 course is an alternative starting point for your journey through the Transfaith for Allies certificate program.

Designed for: English-speaking adults, regardless of religious affiliation or professional aspirations.

  • The content may also be appropriate for younger audiences, who are prepared to think about issues of mental health and community care.

Hours of Video:  Approximately one hour of video  in total with transcripts provided. Since there are many opportunities for you to spend time reflecting on your own values, the course may take more time.

OtherWise Voices:  Mx Chris Paige, Z Shane Zaldivar

Status: Open Access 


  1. Explore and articulate your own values and worldview around love and acceptance
  2. Consider your role as friend, ally, accomplice,  or co-conspirator in supporting OtherWise communities
  3. Examine how frustration, insecurity, embarassment might be redirected when problems arise
  4. Begin to think beyond "visibility" as the end goal for supporting OtherWise communities

Content Warning: The course does touch on suicidality as a way to understand the importance of relationships.

Description: This introductory course looks at skills and concepts to help well-meaning allies begin to find our place in transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and OtherWise communities. This course is a starting place and an invitation to journey alongside others in meaningful relationship. Some of the themes we invite participants to look at personal values, the importance of relationships, the difference between friends and allies, your sphere of influence, and how to cope with making mistakes. 

This course is not designed to answer all of your questions about transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and OtherWise people or experiences! See OtherWise 101 and OtherWise 102 for more content-oriented starting points.

Note: This course was originally developed by Transfaith to engage allies beyond definitions and language concerns. It has been revised and expanded for the OtherWise Academy, with permission.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Instructions (4.5 minutes of video)

    • Welcome to the OtherWise Academy!

    • Dialogue Expectations

    • Thinkific Orientation (optional)

  • 2

    The Importance of You (15 minutes of video)

    • The Importance of You: Getting Started

    • Why Start with You?

    • Reflecting on Your Own Needs and Motivations

    • Reflecting on Your Values and Culture

    • Reflecting on Your Sphere of Influence

    • Related Resources: The Importance of YOU

    • Check Point: YOU

    • Take Time to Be Present

  • 3

    The Importance of Relationship (17 minutes of video)

    • The Importance of Relationships

    • Snapshot: Being There

    • Checkpoint: YOU

    • Research on Relationships

    • How Relationships Matter

    • Being a Friend and Finding Balance

    • Love and Acceptance

    • Making Change: Friend, Ally, or Accomplice?

    • Related Resources: The Importance of Relationships

    • Checkpoint: Relationships

    • Take Time to Be Present

  • 4

    The Importance of Humility (15 minutes of video)

    • No "Perfect" Allies

    • On Not Knowing What to Expect

    • An Introduction to Transgender People

    • Stories of Gender: A Grand Adventure

    • Disclosure (or why do you need to know?!)

    • When Things Go Wrong: Situation 1/Honest Mistakes

    • When Things Go Wrong: Situation 2 / Ring Theory

    • Related Resources: The Importance of Humility

    • Checkpoint: Humility

    • Take Time to Be Present

  • 5

    The Importance of NEXT STEPS (11.5 minutes of video)

    • What's Wrong with Visibility?

    • Beyond Visibility

    • The 3V's in Your Sphere of Influence

    • Related Resources: The Importance of NEXT STEPS

    • Back to YOU: Being Courageous

    • Take Time to Be Present

  • 6

    Wrap-Up (3 minutes of video)

    • Summary: Transfaith for Allies - An Introduction

    • About the Transfaith for Allies certificate

    • Certificate: Final Project

  • 7

    Next Steps... (video pending)

    • You did it! What's Next?

    • Before you go...

More Options for Getting Started

  • Free

    FreeTransfaith for Allies: An Introduction

    Interested? Get Started with Transfaith for Allies now!
    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeBeing Brave Together: A Transfaith Primer

    A pre-requisite for most OtherWise Academy course work.
    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeOtherWise 101: Getting Started

    A great place to start thinking about sex, gender, and sexuality!
    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeOtherWise 102: Key Terms and Concepts

    An exploration of intersex, gender creative, transgender, and nonbinary identities
    Enroll Now
  • Free

    FreeOtherWise 103: Definitions, Terms, and Etiquette

    If you are worried about using the "right" language.
    Enroll Now
  • $15.00 / month

    $15.00 / monthMember

    Invest in the OtherWise Academy--and lock in lifetime savings!
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